stay soft
and respect the thorn. learn the velvet touch of the petal and the pierce of the prick. heart beams and bloodshed co-exist just as love and pain remain constants in our human being-ness. hold the ones you love with tenderness and great care - yet let them go with the same ease of a breeze the stirs the night air. one can let go and still be with - renowned love glistens with liberation for the unity to be true. profound love drips freedom and lets all parties exist in the truth of being untethered to a roof - for a roof holds the love in while an open top lets it expand and touch the spirit of all matter. perhaps true love is simply the constant act of letting go - and of not knowing - and of allowing the growing to take place as it is meant to.
capitalism is destroying the planet.
capitalism is destroying humanity. capitalism is destroying our spirit. we have all been complicit in capitalism to some degree, simply from the fact that we, in “western” society have been born into the trappings of this system. we have been sold democracy disguised beneath the dirty shadows of capitalism. we have been told a a story that if we follow our “dreams” we will succeed, yet our dreams have been co-opted by the forces of the unnatural world, rather than in tune with the forces of the natural world. we have been corralled down a certain path, school, jobs, degrees, climbing the corporate ladder, scaling up of our small businesses, the mortgage, the cars, the cottage…most of us don’t even know what it is our soul wants to experience in this life. we grasp at fulfilling a narrative that isn’t even ours. do you understand what this means? it means we aren’t living our own lives. it means we haven’t written the very story we are starring in. we are reading from someone else’s script. we are flooding our minds with lies while we sidestep our own truth. for years i have held a vision where all of us just say no to this false way of living on earth. where we come together and move beyond this system that tells us we need to rely of them for order, stability, structure and security…as if without this system we would be lost, our lives thrown into chaos, violence and crime erupting all around us. yet, when i look out into the world through these eyes of mine that have cleared enough to see a different truth, i see that the system we live “under” and within, is the very source of what i just mentioned. i see how this political system of “order and control” is creating suffering and illness, hierarchies and divide. i see how it has been put in place to keep certain people at the top and to push an agenda that certainly does not have all humans in mind, let alone the earth that we were all birthed upon. i see that there has to be another way, because this can’t be the way that we were meant to exist with each other on the planet. some people say it’s human nature to seek to control and destroy that which is placed in front of us. i whole heartedly disagree. i see human nature as kind, and peaceful, and loving, and generous. and at the same time, i see the human condition as an entirely different thing. i believe we as humans, have been conditioned into being the power hungry, dominance seeking, ruthless forces of destruction, and this is the shadow of humanity that we are continuously witnessing play out in front of us and within us. i witness this conditioned shadow alive in me when i find myself wanting to control a situation, when i want to be right at all costs, when i act against what i know to be the core truth of my values. i also recognize the perpetual cycles of past traumatic experiences playing out with me reacting to situations in ways that create more pain and cause more hurt in the world. it pains me to know that i cause more pain in the world, and i don’t say this to get sympathy, i say this simply because it’s the truth of how i feel, and to my expressing the truth of how i feel, is what leads to my own healing, and when i engage in my own healing, i engage in the patterns of healing for the entirety of humanity, and when i engage in the patterns of healing for the entirety of humanity, i cast light into the darkness, allowing more shadows to come out to be acknowledged and healed. i speak of the pain within created by the pain and hurt i spill into the world, as a way to step more fully into my humanity and everything that exists within that, the purity of my nature mixed with the grotesque aspects of my conditioning, mixed with all the trauma, mixed with all the joy and light that lives alongside the dark stones of hardness and cold cutting reactions that i sometimes witness in myself. capitalism has led us deep into the pitfalls of competition when i believe it to be our true nature to be cooperative and collaborative. capitalism has led us far into the death grips of greed and hoarding of resources when i believe our true to be generous and sharing. capitalism has led us down a dark and rough road of acting in extractive and exploitive ways when i believe our true nature to be naturally reciprocal beings who know the goodness that comes from giving and receiving, offering and consuming. capitalism has led us into very shallow perceptions, very shallow expectations of one another and that it means to be here on earth, when i believe our true nature is to live deeply rich and fulfilling lives. capitalism has done it’s best to disconnect us all from the very sprit of what it means to be a human being amongst this miraculous universe and upon this extremely beautiful and magical earth, when i believe our true human nature to be so intertwined with the spirit of all things that we need not see spirit as something outside of ourselves, but instead something that is alive and well and the very core of who we are. and so while i do truly believe that capitalism (oh and let me be clear, i am talking about colonial patriarchal capitalism, capitalism in it’s true nature is not necessarily exploitive & driven by greed and dominance and control) is destroying the planet, humanity and spirit, i also believe we are moving towards an entirely different way of being on this planet and in relation to each other and i see it as a merging of indigenous ways with a visionary way of being that is attuned to our human evolution as our awareness and consciousness continues to expand and have space for the persistence of healing. i am personally committed to acting and living in ways that hold true to this vision, while i dedicate my own life to healing, learning how to be in better reciprocal relationships with any and all, and taking great care and showing great honour to the earth that holds my feet steady and my heart in a space of love. and so it shall be. |
morgan leigh callisonmostly i write to remind myself what it means to be me. it is through words, my soul finds expression & my mind finds a place for form to take shape. Archives
August 2024
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