what is the purpose of ego?
the ego is one of the vehicles with which we use a force to “drive”, “propel”, “move” through life. when connected to the heart, the spirit, the body, the mind - the ego works in a balanced manner. it is neither good nor bad. it simply just is, in it’s natural & balanced state. the ego serves to inspire forward movement, or movement towards one’s playing/acting out of one’s purpose. it we were to live without ego at all, we would come to a standstill, and while some try to attain an egoless state, this is impossible in the human form. if we try to erase a part of ourselves, we do just that - we sever a piece of us that is here and part of us as an ally, an in integral part of who we are in our wholeness. the key with ego is to be able to come to place where the ego is balanced with the rest of our being - where it is a piece of the whole - welcome to be integrated with all the other aspects of what create the totality of our humanness. let the ego and the heart speak to one another. let the ego and the soul dance with one another. let the ego and the body be kind to one another. let the ego and the spirit play with one another. let it be. kind. heartfelt. spirited & free. let it be. let it be. let it be.
morgan leigh callisonmostly i write to remind myself what it means to be me. it is through words, my soul finds expression & my mind finds a place for form to take shape. Archives
August 2024
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